新歌舞伎十八番の内 長唄「鏡獅子 Youtube動画公開
新歌舞伎十八番の内 長唄 「鏡獅子」 国立劇場にて
◆ストーリー 正月六日、「御鏡餅曳き」の日、上様の御所望で御小姓の弥生が踊ることになる。弥生は最初拒むもしまいには致し方なく、踊りを見せる。ところが踊るうちに、弥生がその場にあった獅子頭を手にすると、どこからともなく蝶が飛んできて、獅子頭は蝶を追ってひとりでに動き出す。やがて獅子の精が現われ、胡蝶とともに牡丹の花に遊び狂う。
◆Story Yayoi is a beautiful servant. She was suddenly asked by the shogun to perform a dance for New Year’s celebrations on January 6. Dragged up by the head maid and another servant, she initially says no, however eventually she accept shogun’s offer. She danced for a while for Shogun. When she puts on a lion’s mask, it takes on a life of its own. She is ultimately overtaken by the spirit of the lion, which emerges on stage in an energetic dance of its own, shaking his long mane in an impressive display.