義太夫 長唄【京鹿子娘道成寺】Youtube動画公開
義太夫 長唄 【京鹿子娘道成寺】
◆あらすじ 舞台は桜花爛漫の紀州道成寺。清姫の化身の大蛇に鐘を焼かれた道成寺は長らく女人禁制となっていた。以来鐘がなかったが、ようやく鐘が奉納されることになり、その供養が行われることになった。そこに、花子という美しい女がやってきて、聞けば白拍子(歌舞を生業とする遊女)だという。鐘の供養があると聞いたので拝ませてほしいという。鐘供養は女人禁制だが、所化たちの禅問答のような問いかけに花子が見事に答えたので、所化たちは舞を舞うことを条件に寺の中に入ることを許してしまう。花子は舞いながら次第に鐘に近づく。所化たちは花子が清姫の化身だったことに気づくが時遅く、とうとう清姫は鐘の中に飛び込む。鐘の上に大蛇が現れる。
◆Legend of Dojoji Temple This is based on the legend of Dojoji Temple. There were handsome priest named Anchin and a young girl named Kiyo-hime. They loved each other however, he choosed his faith over Kiyo-hime. But she could not forget him and continued to pursue him with great persistence. However, her love turned into a deep hatred and she turned into a fire-breathing big serpent. The terrified priest ran to Dôjôji Temple and hid beneath its huge bell, which the abbot lowered over him. In frustration the serpent coiled itself around the bell and poured fire out from its mouth until the bell melted down and the priest burned to death. Since then no women have been allowed to enter Dojoji temple.
◆Story In Dojoji Temple, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. The dancer named Hanako who came to the Dojoji temple where a ceremony is held to celebrate the installation of a new bell which was destroyed by a big serpent. The monks are surprised by the appearance of a young woman at the temple. Hanako is a shirabyoshi (dancer) and says she would like to see the bell. Women are not allowed at the ceremony, but Hanako is eventually allowed in on condition that she perform for them. First she dances with a hat, then with a hand towel, then with one after another. Before long her dancing arouses some strange feelings in the priests for every time she changes her kimono she emits an weird atmosphere. Remembering the story of Anchin and Kiyo-hime, the priests begin to drive her out of the temple. However she climbs the huge bell, revealing herself to be serpent(the spirit of Kiyo-hime).
◆Venue : Kabukiza